Bailbrook House wedding celebration photography
Bailbrook House wedding celebration photography
Having tied the knot in the Seychelles earlier in the year (which sadly I didn’t get to photograph) Fiona got to do something not many other brides do, namely give her wedding dress a second outing. I’m pretty sure Bernard was just as pleased to see her wearing it again too.
The purpose of the event was to celebrate their marriage with all the friends who couldn’t be with them in the Seychelles. It was a very relaxed day infused with a lovely warmth and positive friendly energy, much like Fiona and Bernard themselves. It happened to also be Fiona’s birthday so it was a double celebration for her.
Without the need for a ceremony the day was effectively one long wedding reception and my remit was to capture it all as naturally as possible.
Coverage began with Fiona and Bernard’s preparations in one of Bailbrook’s impressive suites, leading into them joining their guests for drinks and canapes, followed by a meal (briefly delayed while everyone enjoyed a quick speech from Bernard and a slideshow of the couple’s Seychelles wedding) finishing with dancing to a live band.
Here are some of my favourite images from the day
If you’re having your wedding at Bailbrook House (or anywhere else for that matter) and you’re looking for relaxed but creative photographic coverage that won’t intrude on your day please get in touch. I’d love to speak to you.